Helloooo thereee!!~I am quite happy today cos there are no more lab reports to write and i just finished my presentation today..!while i was presenting my part, i suddenly stoned for awhile..cos i knew i said something wrong and it didnt seem to make any sense..:P haha..2 more assignments to go and no more lab reports for the year!!yay! i must have been real tired today and was stoning alot..went to the petrol station..after loading petrol..put back the pump into its place..parked too close to the pump area so i accidently hooked my leg on the rubber hose pump..and the whole pump dropped on the floor..lucky it didnt break.. :P
Hi clara!!you found my site!hehe..so far i think i have like 5 or 6 visitors to my site..only one from uni..rest all from high school.. i have recovered fully from my cough and cold already..actually went to university hospital to see the doctor there and it cost me only rm10..plus the medicine..i got 3 packets of paracetamol..2 packets of flu tablets..and 1 gargle solution..worth every penny! i think i only took 3 flu tablets and 2 paracetamol and gargle twice and i was fully recovered..good stuff..
Look what i found in some newspaper....

Miss Yunn Choo
omg! it's yunn choo! i see a progression of sorts coming up...will we see her get crowned miss msia in the next two years??
OMG INDEED!!! hehe, gee..i miss school days....seems liek agessss...i m iss u guyssssssssssss
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