Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Cool Camerons

Few days ago, me and kelv decided to go up to Cameron Highlands for a tiny holiday of ours..
After reaching there, we looked around for a place to stay and decided on Iris House Hotel because it was quite affordable..Checked in..and off we went walking around Brinchang area where our hotel was..and then it was time for dinner.. Strawberry tea for me..:)

Sizzling lamb chop..yumm yumm..

Having my prawn fritters..heheh..the food was good..but the customer service was really bad..they had some really young waiters and waitresses..very naive and blur i tell u..first we ordered..the gal could speak mandarin and very bad english..and the menu had english and chinese next to each other..so we had to point at what we wanted..as for appetizers, we wanted something cheap..and the cheapest there was something called Emende***..some french name kinda thing..and we didnt know what it was.. there was no chinese words there..so she went to the kitchen to find out..and she got another guy waiter to explain to us..in mandarin again..so i had an idea of what he was saying..some green pea thingey...so we ordered that..and awhile later, the gal comes out with a plate of prawn fritters and put it on our table..so the blur me with a hungry tummy took the prawn and stuffed it in my mouth without thinking..and then she comes out with another 2 plates of appetiser wanting to put it on our table again..fried spring rolls and the green peas! and then only did i realise the prawn wasnt ours..so i told her and she panicked taking away the 2 new plates..and she hit her hand against the chair and the whole plate of spring rolls went flying down to the floor..later, our main course came and then another waotress came to tell us they made a mistake and asked whether we could pay for it..(should have said cannot cos it was their fault anyway) but i said yes..the prawn fritters were of course much more expensive than green peas..those japanese peas in sushi king.. Then came the bill part, the waiter was so blur to walk off without taking our remainder 3 sens..sheeshh..talk about blur..the weather must have frozen their brains!

Next morning....pictures of vegetable farm

and then off to Rose Valley...

Loving the huge hibiscuses over there!
Totally loving the flowers! haha

some odd looking cactuses..

Flowers for sale!
to the butterfly farm we went..

a butterfly farm that had cute rabbits..

A strawberry farm..a must go when in cameron..

Down to Cactus point...more cactuses..

Cute little things that i just had to have..

Lunch...very delicious tooo..
Robinson's falls......

Cameron Valley tea plantation.....


Dog eating durian..must be good..so we stopped to get some too..
Lata Iskandar..Last stop..


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